

I’m Koey, a recent college graduate who is trying to figure out my niche.  I’ve decided that a blog dedicated to the things I love most is a good start 🙂

I attended University to pursue my cello performance degree, after which I have started subbing in orchestras as well as preparing for auditions in hopes to become a more permanent member.  In addition, I am covering pop, indie and Disney music to arrange into cello chamber settings.

I am also working on a web novel, which I intend to release chapter-by-chapter.  It will be complete with illustrations also done by me of the characters and settings involved.  This project involves hundreds of hours of plot planning, sketches, outlining, character development work and, of course, the illustrations themselves!

Along with my other interests, I do hope to share my creative outlets and maybe even meet a few like minded individuals as well 🙂

